References & Sources

     Sources of information and content on and its associated web pages, posts and articles may come from a wide range and variety of sources which may include but are not not limited to:

Creative Commons Licensed Websites and Books (listed below) 

The editor/s and or contributor/s of Wealthour have significant and or extensive professional and or personal experience reviewing and or working with software for service, applications, platforms, plugins and tools for  business, website design and webmasters including but not limited to:

  • Yoast SEO
  • Google Search Console for Webmasters
  • Google Analytics and Google Trends
  • SEMrush
  • AHrefs
  • WordPress
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • CSS and PHP programming
  • BigCommerce
  • WooCommerce
  • Baidu
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Amazon Affiliates
  • Elementor content management
  • Gutenberg Blocks
  • Apache Nutch and Kafka
  • Google Earth
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Windows 10 and 11
  • Tasty Trade platform
  • Think or Swim trading platform (options, futures, FX currency pairs, stocks, long, short, spreads, Iron condors etc)
  • Similarweb
  • Davinci resolve video editing
  • Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom
  • Bing Webmaster Tools
  • Microsoft Adds, search adds
  • Google Adds
  • Fintech software for lending (Arive)
  • Paypal, Venmo, Wise and other payment gateways
  • Proprietary banking software for customer service and account management, CRM

And the Editor/s and contributor/s have professional experience working in the fields of, or working with professionals in the fields of website construction, design and development, retail management, banking finance, shipping logistics, refinancing and lending, credit, debt management and settlement, security, customer service and assistance, marketing, online sales, blogging, trading, reviewing many IT software and financial services products, business planning and organic business development and patents. In addition to personal and professional experience the editor/s and contributor/s to Wealthour have completed substantial education in finance, cyber security, information technology, political science, criminal justice and other subjects.

Photos on and its webpages may be sourced from: 

  • Burst

and others.

The article/s on Wealthour and its webpages have information derived or obtained from a variety of public domain sources including but not limited to:

  • CFTC.Gov eg.
  • Cia.Gov
  • (,, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, Office of Nuclear Energy, Office of Science, Office Electricity, Advanced Research Projects Agency -Energy, Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations.)
  • articles, Creative Commons purpose commercially:
  • forums

and shared knowledge from posts on creative commons licenses:

Other articles and books with creative commons licensing that may have been sources of information include but are not limited to those from,, open source education resource (OER) databases for businesses including but not limited to Merlot, OER Commons and SOL*R. Resources that may have been used to support and or create content on and its associated pages, include content from creative commons textbooks with commercial free use licenses. Many sources of which may be found at Examples of creative commons texts and or courses that are or were listed as allowed for commercial may include:

  • Principles of Finance, Dahlquist, Knight, AdamsLiquidity,
  • Markets and Trading in Action, An interdisciplinary Perspective, 2002, Ozenbas, Pagano, Weber
  • Principles of Marketing, 2022 Maria Albrecht, Green, Hoffman,
  • Introduction to Intellectual Property 2021, Kline and Kappos
  • Introduction to Financial Analysis, 2002, Bigel, Open Touro
  • Introduction to Social Media, 2002, Lawson, Oklahoma State University
  • Negotiating Climate Change in Crises, 2021, Gohm, Sullivan
  • Principles of Macro-economics Courses 2e, 2017, Greenlaw, and Shiperio,
  • Intermediate Microeconomics with Microsoft Excel, 2nd edition, 2020, Barreto
  • Biosystems Engineering, 2021, Nicholas Holden, ASABE
  • Principles of Microeconomics, Scarcity and Social Provisioning, 2016, Dean, Elardo
  • Principles of Financial Accounting, 2017, Jonick University of North Georgia Press
  • Principles of Managerial Accounting, Jonick University of North Georgia Press
  • Introduction to Business, 2018, Gitman, McDaniel, Shah, Reece,
  • Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-Examined 2017, Robeyns, Open book publishers
  • Boundless Economics, 2013, Lumen Learning,
  • Media Innovation and Entrepreneurship Eds. Dr. Michelle Ferrier, Elisabeth Mays 2017, Rebus Community
  • Health Case Studies, 2017, Rees, Kruger and Morrison, BCcampus, OpenEd
  • Business Plan Development, Guide, Swanson, 2017 Openpress
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Toolkit, 2017, Swanson,
  • Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking, 2016, Van Cleave,
  • A Guide to Technical Communications: Strategies & Applications 2016, Hall and Wahlin, Ohio State University,
  • Introduction to Sociology- 2nd Canadian Edition, Little and McGivern 2016
  • Accounting Principles: A Business Perspective, 2011, Hermanson, Edwards, Maher
  • Graphic Design and Print Production Fundamentals, 2015, Collins, Haas, Jeffery, Martin, Mederios, Tomljanovic
  • Principles of Microeconomics, 2014, Taylor Greenlaw, Dodge, Openstax
  • Principles of Economics, 3e, 2022, Greenlaw, Shapiro, and Macdonald, Openstax
  • Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective, 2014, Watson, Berthon, Pitt, Zinkhan
  • Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation, 2015, Theis and Tomkin, Openstax CNX
  • A Practicum in Behavioral Economics, Caplan, UEN Digital Press
  • Creating a Circular Healthcare Economy: Sustainable strategies for a circular healthcare, 2023, Van Straten, TU Delft Open
  • Nursing Management and Professional Concepts, 2022, Open RN, WI Technical Colleges Open Press,
  • Civil Rights and Liberties, 2023, Solberg, Clairmont, Jeknic, Mason, and Metzdorf Open Oregon Educational Resources
  • Future Energy: Opportunities and Challenges, Thomas, W Kerlin, 2013, Kerlin,
  • History of International Relations, Ringmar, 2019,
  • American Environmental History, 2019, Alloso
  • Statistics, Introductory Business Statistics, 2017, Holmes, Illowski, Dean, Openstax
  • Introductory Business Statistics with Interactive Spreadsheets, 2010, Mahbobi and Tiemann
  • Property, Volume 1 and 2, 2012, Turner, CALI eLangdell Press,
  • Contract Doctrine, Theory & Practice volume 3, 2012, Verkerke
  • Sustainability, A Comprehensive Foundation 2015 Theis and Tomkin
  • Producing Open Source Software, 2005, How to run a successful free software project. Fogel
  • Healthcare Compliance, 2021, Goodwin, Brinson, Clack, Gill, Gossa, University of North Georgia Press
  • Blueprint for Success In College and Career, 2018, Dillion, Rebus, Community,
  • Financial Management for Small Businesses, Financial Statements & Present Value Models, 2020, Robinson, Hanson, Black, Michigan State University
  • Law 101 Fundamentals of the Law, 2018, Martella Open Suny,
  • Intermediate Financial Accounting, volume 2, 2017, Arnold and Kyle Lyryx
  • Project Management 2014, Watt, BCcampus,
  • Fundamentals of Infrastructure Management, 2017, Coffelt,
  • Technical Project Management in Living and Geometric Order – Third Edition 2018, Russell, Nelson, Pferdehirt, Price
  • Management Communication, 2017, Thomas, Haup, Spackman, The Marriott School, Brigham Young University
  • Health, Research and Practice in Australia and New Zealand, Case Studies for Health, Research and Practice in Australia and New Zealand, 2023
  • Community Interventions in Obesity – Related Chronic Diseases, 2023, Cirignano Elnakib and Zellers,
  • Web Writing, Nicole Pfannenstiel, Ph.D, 2023, Pennsylvania Alliance For Design Textbook
  • Fundamentals of Human Geography, 2023, Cheung, Wing Cheung,
  • The Path to Funding, Artist Guide to Building Your Audience, Generating Income, and Realizing Career Sustainability,  2022, Forshee, Manceor, McGinness,
  • Career Exploration, 2017, Dufek, Bay College
  • Fundamentals of Healthcare Administration, Navigating Challenges, and Coordinating Care, 2021, Hamiltons, Howell, and Jordan, University North Georgia,
  • Big Data for Epidemiology: Applied Data, Analysis, Using National Health Surveys, 2022, Kindratt, Mavs Open Press
  • Principles for Epidemiology, Antunez, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities,
  • Introducing Marketing 2011, Burnett, BCcampus
  • Business Plan  Development Guide, Lee Swanson, 2017, Openpress USASK.CA
  • Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC, 2015, Westcott, BCcampus
  • A First Course in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, 2009, Scharf, OpenStax CNX
  • Implementing a One Address CPU In Logism, 2016, Kann, A.T. Still University.
  • Signal Computing: Digital Signals in the Software Domain, 2016, Stiber, Zhang,
  • Digital Circuit Projects: An Overview of Digital Circuits Through Implementing Integrated, Circuits, 2014, Kann
  • Java, Java, Java,: Object- Oriented Problem Solving, 2016, Morelli and Walde
  • Pension Finance and Management, Nobuko Fujita, Rajeeva Sinha, eCampusOntario 2021
  • Principles of Macroeconomics 2e, Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation, Bank Regulation, Openstax College 2018
  • Principles of Business Statistics, Mihai Nica, Openstax CNX, 
  • Introduction to Architecture, Kelsey Ferreira, 2021, Open Oregon Educational Resources
  • Business Courses, BUS101 to BUS613 (
  • Information Systems for Business and Beyond, Saylor Academy 2014
  • Financial Strategy For Public Managers,

Author(s): Sharon Kioko, Justin Marlowe, University of Washington

Updated: Oct 5, 2021

  • Business Ethics, 2018, Openstax
  • Contract Doctrine, Theory & Practice Volume 3, 2012, Verkerke, CALI eLangdell Press, 
  • Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, 2019, Peterson and Davie

Those titles contain substantial informative and or scholarly content and are listed on OER as having some form of a commercial free use license.

Other information on and its associated posts and pages have information that comes directly from the websites and or companies that are being advertised, discussed, promoted and or featured. That information may include marketing content in the form of written content and or photos, videos and infographics or other content.

Wealthour also conducts interviews, conversations and consultations with a wide range and variety of experts in the fields of, but not limited to, software, tax and accounting, investing, real estate, marketing, medicine, technology, business development, security, law and trading.

Furthermore, much information and content on and its associated pages may come from “common knowledge:”,not%20need%20to%20be%20cited.

Including Knowledge understood and accepted by most people in the fields of but not limited to blogging, marketing, business, IT, software, investing, trading, science, wellness etc.

There is a contact section for any questions or comments pertaining to sources and references. On email directly at:

[email protected]


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